Case Studies
Case 1:
APEX Matches the Right GSA Schedule and the Right Company
The Client:
A small, woman-owned company specializing in all aspects of document
management, including document imaging and process automation.
The Challenge:
The Company worked for its federal customers through third-party providers.
But as federal customers considered working directly with the Company, it
became imperative for the Company to obtain a GSA schedule.
The APEX Solution:
APEX, working with the Company's founders, created a three-pronged strategy to obtain a GSA schedule:
- Review products and services, and assess commercial practices;
- Identify the appropriate schedules available to the Company; and
- Process the collateral information required to prepare the schedule.
The Company's initial assessment before hiring APEX was to pursue a Federal IT Schedule 70 (Products and Services). But after a careful analysis and review of its business and operations, APEX found a better fit: the Group 36, Office Imaging and Document Solutions Schedule. APEX worked with the Company's founders to provide intensive overviews for preparation, and to allow its owners an opportunity to understand and negotiate the contract to their best advantage. APEX's process supported the effort from initial consultation to registration and listing on GSA's Advantage Program.
The Result:
The Company was able to target the right schedule and successfully navigate its submission and negotiations quickly by identifying this schedule and working closely with GSA officials. The Company received an award of more than 225 line items.
Case 2:
The APEX Fast-Track to Obtaining GSA Schedule
The Client:
A small business specializing in sales of computer room power equipment.
The Challenge:
The Company received a rejection notice from GSA after more than six months of effort to obtain a GSA FSS schedule.
The APEX Solution:
APEX reviewed the products the Company offers and determined that the Federal IT Schedule 70 the Company tried to obtain was not well suited to its needs. APEX subsequently determined that Schedule 56 (Buildings and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies) was a better fit. After 60 days and one round of negotiations with GSA, APEX obtained a Schedule 56 award for the Company.
The Result:
The Company has a commercial catalog, a Letter of Supply from the
manufacturer of their equipment, and a GSA pricelist. Their products and services
are now found on GSA Advantage.
Case 3:
APEX Provides Critical Business Development and Marketing Strategy
The Client:
A small business providing advanced technology in the field of business intelligence
and data analysis.
The Challenge:
The Company had limited experience selling to the federal government, but an
urgent need to establish a foothold in core verticals within the federal sector. However, the Company could not cost-effectively create its own internal federal sales force, particularly while trying to meet baseline-funding targets with prominent venture capitalist firms.
The APEX Solution:
The Company hired APEX to develop a federal sector operation encompassing all areas of business development, marketing contract management and project development. Working with revenue targets set up by the company's board of directors and outside investors, APEX established a complete federal sales operation within the Company, and developed a marketing plan to identify strategic federal sectors, contract vehicles and budgets for federal opportunities. Working with the Company's executive and legal team, APEX reviewed commercial practices and software-licensing arrangements to establish pricing methodologies and corporate capabilities for bid submissions and GSA schedule vehicles. APEX navigated the Company through a number of key sole-sourcing
procurements and successfully established schedules and other subcontract vehicles
to market its products and services. APEX's proprietary processes identified opportunities and established leads for priming and teaming large opportunities. After contract awards, APEX established compliance procedures for security clearances and handled contract management matters.
The Result:
APEX helped The Company cost-effectively launch a successful federal operation,
meet corporate revenue goals and establish baseline-funding requirements for
future growth. The Company won key projects within ten months.
Case 4:
APEX Successfully Supports Complex Bid Opportunity
The Client:
A company that provides IT products, services and support to government, nonprofit
and commercial organizations.
The Challenge:
Help the Company successfully participate in a complex team bidding process with
more than 50 other subcontractors.
The APEX Solution:
In reviewing the goals of the Company and the large number of subcontractors
on the bidding team, APEX took the role of proposal management and implemented an on-line collaborative approach to proposal development. APEX “story-boarded” the proposal to ensure that all team members had a well-developed plan for proposal input. This allowed all input to be quickly analyzed and merged for final proposal development. A carefully-crafted proposal plan that incorporated multiple team analyses was developed and implemented.
The Result:
The Company submitted a timely, complete and successful response.
Case 5:
APEX's New Proposal Strategies Helps Client Win Back Business
The Client:
A company that provides telecommunications infrastructure services to the federal
government and the private sector.
The Challenge:
The Company believed a federal contract about to be awarded was a follow-on to one the Company already owned. It assumed that obtaining the new contract was a “slam-dunk.” However, it was evident from the Request for Proposal that the government was considering a new contractor for the award.
The APEX Solution:
APEX analyzed the requirements of the new RFP, the company’s existing business practices and a risk matrix that outlined the problems facing the Company in winning this contract. The analysis showed that a reorganization of the Company’s division handling the program was in order. APEX crafted pricing and program management plans that would meet the federal government’s requirements while demonstrating the Company’s flexibility and desire to competitively win back the business.
The Result:
The Company was awarded the contract. The federal government customer later commented that the responsiveness demonstrated by the Company in the proposal approach was key to reversing its opinion about the Company’s ability to continue to perform.